Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Get Green

Even while doing loans in Sylmar and Van Nuys and working for First Time homebuyers in California, we try to be green.

There is an ongoing need to conserve energy and reduce waste. Many people are starting to make greener choices, do whats best for the environment and lessen their impact on the earth. The common phrase is Go Green and there are both very simple and inexpensive steps we can all take that will add up in a big way.

While doing loans from Sylmar CA to Van Nuys and all the San Fernando Valley in the City of Los Angeles, Bring your own reusable shopping bags to the grocery store. Plastic and paper bags both use a lot of energy to produce and end up as litter. Stash some canvas bags in your car.

Ditch the Plastic Bottles and replace with a reusable water bottle and place your current bottles in a recycle bin. Billions of plastic water bottles end up in our landfills every year. Most of us already have filtered water available on our fridge, a water-filter pitcher such as Brita or an in-sink filter. If we all use what weve already paid for, that would be a big win for the environment.

Change your light bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs or CFLs. They last up to 10 times longer than regular light bulbs and although they may be more expensive they will help reduce your energy bills. Remember to turn off lights in rooms that are not in use.

Buy a package of recycled napkins. If every household purchased one package of 100 percent recycled napkins, we would save 1 million trees. Even more trees would be saved if you bought recycled paper towels and tissues.

Buy food that is grown locally. It has been determined most of our food travels an average of 1,500 miles before it ends up on our tables. Local food is fresher and tastes better than food shipped long distances. Buying local food keeps your dollars circulating in your community. A good place to start is looking for a Farmers Market in your area.

Give your car a tune up. Speeding, fast accelerations, and hard braking waste gas. Maintaining your car saves it. Tune up your car according to your owners-manual schedule and raise your cars fuel efficiency anywhere from 4 to 40 percent. Maintaining the correct tire pressure not only increases gasoline mileage, but also helps the car handle and ride better. Correct tire pressure also increases the life of the tire. All tires have the correct tire pressure imprinted on the tire.

While doing loans from Sylmar CA to Van Nuys and all the San Fernando Valley in the City of Los Angeles, Think first, and learn a new way of living that helps sustain the worlds environment. By changing our daily habits we can all Go Green with ease.